Yakima County Bar Members
Dedicated to enhancing the practice of law within Yakima County.
Yakima County Bar Members
Dedicated to enhancing the practice of law within Yakima County.
Washington Courts
Find information about the Washington Court system, including downloading legal forms or identifying a court date.
Washington Law Help
Hundreds of free resources for civil (non-criminal) legal problems in Washington State are available at this website in English, Spanish, Russian, and other languages.
The Alliance for Equal Justice
A network of Washington State organizations that coordinates strategy and delivery of civil legal aid to people that experience poverty and injustice.
The Yakima County Clerks Office
Find more information about accessing the courts, including the form to request an interpreter in court.
Pro Bono Council
Find out more about the pro bono services provided around the state.
Washington Law Help Resource Listing
A complete listing of all resources on Washington Law Help by category.
Click HereEconomic Security for All Program (People for People)
Services include career counseling, help with job search or skills upgrades, paid work experience, support services, connections to education, apprenticeship and more.
Click HereNAMI Guía de Recursos - Spanish
Una colección de recursos en el condado de Yakima.
Click Here