Under the new law, low-income tenants who have been given an eviction summons (court case) are entitled to a FREE attorney to defend them in the eviction process. Call the Eviction Defense Hotline immediately to connect with an attorney today at 855-657-8387. Or visit the Eviction Defense website for more information.
For all other landlord/tenant issues (including illegal lock-outs, excessive rent increases, pest issues, or a notice to vacate), call CLEAR immediately at 888-201-1014, Monday through Friday, 9:15 am to 12:15pm.
Skilled attorneys are ready to assist you with the incredible burden of medical debt. From negotiating with creditors to exploring legal avenues for debt relief, volunteer attorneys are committed to easing your financial strain.
We offer connections to legal services for victims of domestic violence seeking to end their marriage or get custody of their children. We prioritize your safety and work to provide the necessary legal support for a fresh start.
If you or someone you know is at the end of their life, you can be matched with a volunteer legal professional to help draft a power of attorney and will. Maintain dignity and peace of mind by ensuring your affairs are managed according to your wishes.